On Pausing as a Pathway to Presence:

Recently I was asked to share one ‘self-care tip’ to be included in a monthly newsletter for a members only group of Atlanta-based high performing entrepreneurs. Anyone who has worked with me can attest: I’m certainly not in the business of spray painting my clients with information and self-care tips in our sessions. My gift is in turning people on to their own genius. All the work and information exists in them.

That said, if there was only one practice that I could offer to anyone on the planet as a ‘self-care tip’ it would be to practice pausing as a pathway to presence as often as possible.

The Pause is the source of your greatest power, awareness and resourcefulness. 

When we are in Presence we are BEING from a place of our own conscious creation (and not from any habitual reaction or identity that no longer serves us).  

 “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”  (author unknown)

One way to practice:

Sit comfortably, back supported. Eyes closed. Allow a nasal inhale (engage your diaphragm) followed by a nasal exhale.  Repeat.

This time, bring your attention to the Pause between the inhale and exhale. Allow thoughts to come and go with a nonchalant awareness. Notice the space between the thoughts.  

This is your source.  Return here often.  

With love,



Health Coaching: The science and art of behavior change


On Gratitude in the Middle of Suffering and Conflict.